About Us

Our Story: At IGG-GAMES, we was born as a close knit community of PC gaming excited passionate about exploring the newest and most interesting game releases. As our network expanded, we encountered the common challenge of managing the high costs associated with purchasing every popular title at full price. Balancing our financial responsibilities, such as rent and student loans side by side our gaming interests, led to a significant strain on our budgets.

This inspired a concept: what if we could create an accessible catalog of PC games for gamers who are financially constrained? Following numerous late-night coding sessions and problem-solving efforts, IGG-GAMES came into existence.

Our Intention

Our objective is to assist gamers with limited financial resources in experiencing and enjoying AAA titles without facing exorbitant expenses. We focus on providing access to games specifically for dedicated fans who have previously acquired these titles but have lost their access, offering backup copies instead of endorsing piracy. The well-being of our community is our top priority.

About Us: Moving Forward

We are determination to Nurture open and transparent dialogue, appreciating contributions from developers publishers and gamers equally. Should you come across any copyrighted content that is not hosted appropriately, we encourage you to reach out to our DMCA agent as specified in our policy, enabling us to address and rectify any concerns promptly. As our platform expands we remain dedicated to enhancing our understanding of how to morally support and engage with the community.

Our primary goal is to ensure that gamers who have previously purchased titles but subsequently lost access can regain legal backup access. We are determination to ensuring that our activities do not inadvertently harm developers by to deprive them of entitled compensation for their work. Should any evidence arise to indicate that our efforts are causing more harm than benefit we covenant to Re-evaluation our the point of view.

Eventually, nurture an environment where game creators can continue to develop unusual titles is advantageous for everyone involved. We have no intention of weaken the very industry we admire and support. We encourage open communication regarding any concerns related to the impact on developers and we assure you that we are the attentive one and willing to make necessary adjustments. Our desire is to identify ethical solutions that allow financially forced gamers to enjoy their favorite titles while at the same time supporting the creation of future projects. We are fully committed to discovery ways to balance access with fair compensation and we look forward to collaborating with you in this the effort.